Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Top 5 Benefits of Installing Cat6a Plenum Cable in Your New Building

A Plenum cable has several advantages over standard Cat6 and Cat6a cable, one of which is that it’s flame retardant, making it safe to use in the event of a fire or similar emergency. This type of ethernet cable also doesn’t produce toxic fumes when it burns, so you don’t have to worry about inhaling them when the cable catches on fire. It also comes with a much larger bandwidth capacity than other ethernet cables, allowing you to run your building’s network more efficiently and easily handle advanced technologies like 4K video streaming and virtual reality gaming networks.

Faster Speed

Typically, a Cat6a Plenum cable will offer 10-gigabit speeds over 100 meters. Compared to standard Ethernet cables that support only 1 gigabit per second over 100 meters, that’s pretty fast. Of course, you may not be able to reach those speeds for many years to come but nevertheless, having that kind of bandwidth is nice. And it won’t hurt if your new building was designed with some future-proofing. Even if 10 gigabits doesn’t do anything for you right now, at least you know it can be handled when that day comes when you might actually need such an upgrade. If anything else makes your future self happy, it should be knowing they are ready when needed!

Better Quality

Since pure copper is a lot better conductor than alloys, you need not worry about signal degradation. With cat6a plenum cable, you get a pure copper conductor which means it improves network performance. What's more? It also comes with lower impedance which makes sure that your data transfers faster and without interference. Since there are no restrictions when using 100% pure copper, you can expect higher bandwidth transmission as well. This allows for longer wire runs too! Plenums aren't as moist or humid as regular air making them an ideal environment for pure copper wires to thrive. If you install these cat6 plenum cables at your business premises, then you can be sure that they will last longer because they will keep working efficiently even after years of use.


In many cases, copper can corrode which can be extremely dangerous. However, Plenum cables are made from pure copper and they do not come with any such problems. Plenum cables are designed using a special design that prevents gases from getting into them which may eventually lead to fire hazards. This is one of many advantages that are often overlooked by most people when it comes to installing cat6a plenum cables as compared to regular ones.


If you want to achieve greater flexibility for your business, it is necessary to use a cable that can be easily moved. This is possible by using Cat6a plenum pure copper cable. The cables are light, yet highly resistant to pilling and snagging, so they’re easy to maneuver without causing any damage.

Cost Efficiency

Because Cat6a Cable is more expensive than regular Ethernet cables, companies may shy away from installing it, thinking that they will be spending too much money. But, consider your long-term costs. The life expectancy of a high-quality cable is longer than a low-quality one. In addition to helping you save on maintenance and replacement costs over time, it also helps you avoid service interruptions and downtime. This ultimately means less cost spent fixing unnecessary problems and more money going into your pocket or your company’s bank account.


We hope you enjoyed our post about the Top benefits of installing Cat6a plenum cable for your new building. With this new knowledge, we know that you will be able to make the most of your new building by having the best network infrastructure possible.

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